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Why my clients keep coming back to me

Image by Clarisse Meyer

Diana V.

Patty reached out to me on a Self-development Facebook group. I'd made a post about quitting smoking and struggling with it on an emotional level. Patty was very professional, but simple and we organised a short catch up that day. You could tell that Patty loves what she does and gives without expectations. She dug deep into my limiting beliefs and made me see the situation from a different perspective. Though the experience was not pleasant at the time, it felt like I dropped a mountain from my shoulders. I could look at my problem with more clarity and be unreactive and see what I could do about it. Patty followed up with me a few times afterwards and I felt like she is a member of my family who genuinely cares about my wellbeing. Thanks to her I felt more confident and comfortable in my skin, less afraid of expressing myself going for what I want without excuses. I would wholeheartedly recommend Patty to any of my friends who are going through a similar experience and need help.


Ralph Watson

I’ve known Patty for some time now, as her mentor, trainer and friend. In that time, I have come to know her very well and I find her to be an outstanding coach with a tremendous range of skills and expertise.


Not only that, Patty has a true gift for enabling her clients to achieve powerful and lasting change. I would recommend her wholeheartedly.

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Luna L.

The text of her books is so deeply crystal clear, that in itself it is a precious treasure. Highly intelligent and cultured people rarely know how to find the humility to explain their thoughts in simple and direct words, without falling into rhetorics and without showing off technicalities. The advice I found in her guides changed my life, helped me get back on my feet, and is still useful nowadays, in every area of my life. Patty saved my life, literally.


One more about the MetaMorphosis session she took with me shortly after purchasing 2 of my books


Like everyone else, during my life I have experienced traumas, more or less important, some of which have conditioned my choices and my attitudes.
Basically I'm a lucky person, and in addition to having a beautiful family, I also have amazing friends, including Patty.
Coach and expert in NLP, seeing me in a troubled moment, she proposed me to re-write  my trauma in a TimeTravel, a sort of re-elaboration of the trauma starting from the memory and radically modifying the reaction and the sensations experienced.
With her voice guiding me, I re-lived one of the deepest traumas of my life, to which a good 80% of my relationship problems were linked, I went through it, and I thanked and hugged the person who caused it.
When I "woke up" I looked for that memory in my mind and my mind, instead of re-proposing the sense of anguish, emptiness and contempt linked to that fact, automatically offered me the memory of the hug, the smile and the sense of gratitude for having overcome that trauma with joy.
I have the regret of not being able to express in words what I feel inside at this moment, but I can say that, even knowing what happened that day, I think about it and think again and I feel only love inside.
Any thanks would be little, and I feel the desire to share her work.
A professional who does exactly what she promises.

I have known her for years and I had no doubts, but she still managed to amaze me.
Recommended with flying colours ❤

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Image by Colter Olmstead

Linda P.

Meeting Patty and entrusting myself to her was a great gift.
Even today I can hardly believe everything that happened to me in a very short time.
Patty keeps telling me that the work on myself is all to be credited to me, but I know that without her I would still be the same person as always: unhappy, and forced to see the world through the eyes of those who raised me. I wanted more: I wanted to be me, I finally wanted to get out of that shell that still held me closed and did not allow me to live out of fear.
After not even the second meeting, my thoughts started to change.
Life around me was always the same, but I was different.
There was no longer the usual voice in my head telling me: "now you must be sad, if this has happened it's your fault", or "you are a nobody, you are not enough", or "if you don't do this or that for other people you will end up left alone, and even if you do everything for everybody, you will still be left alone ”.
That voice was gone, in its place there was another voice that invited me to change and that left me free to experiment with different ways of being.
I was free, I had a choice! Choosing whether to be happy, choosing not to believe the opinions of others (especially if they concerned me), choosing to live with optimism, choosing to try all new experiences that until then I had always denied myself.
That shell that held me prisoner was no longer there.
Less than a week after our first meeting, I received a fantastic job offer, not only in economic terms but also on a human level. I find myself working with people I love and who help me strengthen my self-esteem, as well as respect my time and professionalism. Since then I have not received the "degrading" job offers.
Also the relationship with my husband improved, not that it was bad before, but I felt that something had to change in me.
I now feel safer, more beautiful too and this has led us to become a more balanced couple. I no longer lean on him as I used to do, I have become more "independent" from affection. Now I know that loving him is my choice, not a necessity dictated by the fear of being alone. It is a choice that is renewed daily and I feel that I am able to love it in its entirety, including defects.
I finally see myself in the happy future. Before, the only thought that crossed my mind was that of an abandoned and poor old woman, now I know that that old woman can choose the future she wants: she can surround herself with wonderful people, she can be healthy and well, she can be wealthy.
My present is great. Every single day I am grateful for something.
Every now and then I tell Patty all the wonders that happen to me; I am like a growing child, going through all the stages of discovery.
Patty is by my side, always.
She laughs with me, she is happy with me, she helps me if I need comfort.
I know I can count on her presence. She does not abandon me and I am really very grateful to be able to trust her.
How many things I wouldn't have done if I hadn't trusted her !! How many opportunities could have gone lost for others around me. My talent, my passion, all my gifts… they couldn't help anyone as long as I kept them with me in my shell. What an immense waste they would have been!
I still think about it every now and then, I see myself in the past and I say to myself: you've been lucky AF !! You found yourself in front of the best coach on earth !!
Small silent miracles, making hardly any noise, but changing entire worlds!


Virginie S.

I met Patty in a Facebook community group, as often happens, thanks to technology and social media.

Patty is a woman of many facets and many skills but, above all, she is a positive and selfless woman.

When I found out that she was also a chef, I asked her if she wanted to give me an interview on how to design a kitchen and, from there, we never left each other!

We saw possibilities for effective collaborations that we are developing...

But, most important, chatting together, a lot more came up, some somewhat heavy blocks of mine that were preventing me from moving my business forward properly.

I relied on her and she unhinged them: certain fears I had, in fact, are now a distant memory!


It's hard to explain, but anger and guilt are gone, and I felt full of energy!

But I wasn't ready... the work done was huge and brought so many mental benefits, but other blocks were keeping me on the fence...

So after a while, when I was finally ready, I took other sessions in which I put the real foundation to improve more and more...

Without realizing it, I increased my engagements and, when I look at my daily schedule, I often say to myself: "Did I really do all that?"

My self-esteem and confidence have increased and I would say that I'm starting to pass it on to people!

My youtube channel is proof of this: in a few weeks, I went from 500 subscribers to over 4000!

It's not easy to admit to having blocks, it's not easy to admit to needing help but, when you actually do it, things change!

If you rely on the right coach of course, and Patty definitely is!!!

What's great about Patty is that she doesn't just help you in your sessions: she is always there before, but, especially, after and she can tell at a glance that something is wrong, even if you don't say so!

Patty is magical in some way!

Amazing woman...I'm glad to have her in my life!

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Elisabetta M.

I met Patty by "mistake", through a mutual friend and it was the most appropriate "mistake" of my life!


Last summer I faced a very particular period of my life and I was completely blocked.


I did not know what decisions to make to put together the pieces of an absurd situation that had arisen in my family, and the worst thing is that I did not want to be helped by anyone, much less by a "stranger", even if very experienced.


Well, after about three weeks on a journey with her, my perspective on life had changed radically.


Her extraordinary ability is to let you find YOUR SOLUTION.


I am sincerely grateful to her for letting me discover qualities and nuances of myself that I was not even aware of.


Needless saying that my family situation (and not only) has totally changed.


By relying above all on my willpower and my determination, she has also managed to make me turn every initiative I have taken following my difficult experience into a positive direction.

Patty is a volcano, but if you let her into your life she will do it on tiptoe, with respect and delicacy; I too was a volcano, a long time ago, but extinct. Now, together with her, I started to make fire and flames again and I fell in love with my life again.

Thank you SuperPatty!

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Pao Viola M.

Patty is the Ultimate Effective & Efficient nutrition Coach.

During my 6 week programme "Sustainable & Healthy" under her Nutrition Management Regime & Guidance, I acquired tremendous knowledge & gained superb skills in Self Management in relation to food and nutrition.

My objective for jumping on the bandwagon was to uncover 'Functional Strategies' to employ in the 'here and now', while managing a chronic medical ailment for nearly a decade.

The urgency at the end of 2021, was another diagnosis of a medical ailment that would additionally threaten my livelihood.

Coincidence or Divine Set-up - one would ask...?

In my books, Patti 'emerged' as an answer to prayer - as I'm a firm believer in accessing wellness through an integrated approach.

In this case, it was God's grace, divine connection in meeting this amazing Coach and 'Clinical' intervention... - as God gives the wisdom in which we all operate. All decisions need wisdom, Medical treatment needs Clinicians' wisdom and skill beyond the knowledge... a Coach needs to apply the right wisdom and 'tailor'/adapt the knowledge to individual client's needs - that's what I got.

Divine Set Up!
It was within a couple of weeks that Patti publicised her 6 week programme - of a newly discovered diagnosis that was attached to my name when I realised I need to 'tweak' my lifestyle in gathering knowledge - such that it took neither thinking twice nor pursuasion; for me to express my interest.

Long and short of this is that:
✔️I found information,
✔️I gained knowledge,
✔️I acquired a skill,
✔️I accessed recipes &
✔️shopping lists!

Ultimately liberating...

✔️I rediscovered that, my body's innate ability to self manage depends on more discipline and habits in self Management - than the 'overrated' dieting; in enabling self sustenance on a level of health and healthy functioning...
with neither a quest nor demands on compromising one's fav meals.

All about discipline, right buying habits and a quest for excellence in nurturing self - while still indulging and exciting the taste buds.

Need I add - her delivery was a combined simplistic & phenominal approach!

One piece of advice is... take her on and uncover the difference by yourself!

For me it was nothing to do with weight management, rather 'medical health' sustenance to ensure I kept presenting health disruptions within my control.

Simplified statement is
"Highly recommended"!


Pat E.

I am glad to have had a session with Patty. I was having an issue with my trauma, specifically that I don’t want to let the pain go related to the loss of a loved one. Patty helped me to make progress with my goal that I should only concentrate on good memories. We did visualisation together which helped me create good memories of my mother. Patty's approach in the session was very calm and I felt very safe with her voice. I would like to thank Patty again for being my Coach and for bringing more positivity in my life. It has made an impact on my life, and I am still improving positive memories of my childhood day by day. Meeting Patty gave me relief from my pain and finally I can move on. I would like to recommend Patty to everyone!


More signs of gratitude

I thought it was impossible to "eradicate" a strong belief with deep roots ... yet it was possible to do so. Indeed, more than uprooting it, circumventing it. Patty has succeeded where no one has ever gone ... and I will never thank her enough. Generous and magical as few!


S. N. Z.

It is as if I had suddenly awakened from a long sleep and now had to make up for lost time.
Patty doesn't know, but her words are so deep that when negative thoughts come, they surface and infuse me with great courage and determination, not only in my work, but in every moment of my life.
She reached out to me when I needed it most and I welcomed her.
I feel so lucky and happy to have met her!


L. P.


Supervision with Patty Smit is something that I look forward to every month. She provides a safe space for me to share and grow as a coach and a person. She helps me overcome my limiting beliefs and I am truly inspired by every session with her. She’s a phenomenal coach and supervisor. Thank you, Patty.


B. P.


Patty is such a beautiful, selfless person who is completely non-judgemental, and someone who made my whole experience about me.

Very professional and experienced as a coach and I very highly recommend her.

Thank you so very much Patty

Adrian D.

Patty, you are a hell of a coach!

You ask incredible questions, your tools are phenomenal.

You are patient, kind and inspire me to do better every day.

A blessing to have met you.

We are all on a journey and quest to be fulfilled and become the best version of ourselves and having you by my side is so helpful in getting there!!
Thank you!

Sophie L.

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About Personal Core Transformation for Goal Setting

And then there was
a Coach Supervision


... with my
Super Badass
Lady Coaches!

Female Athlete

""Good afternoon!😃
Promotion aside, as far as I'm concerned, this test was very useful. After all, I'm now used to Patty's "pranks". I always begin her journeys with an exciting feeling of anticipation, of immobility. Then the neura activate on their own, engulf and metabolise the instructions and then begin to compose a complete picture of perspectives. It certainly hasn't changed my life overnight, I know I have to work long and hard on myself, but everything I manage to change over the course of the day, all the changes I'm making to my behaviour make me more serene. I'm also noticing it on a physical level. I am someone who somatises problems a lot but since I discovered this new philosophy of life a "tiny daily miracle" always happens! At some point I wondered if this wasn't even a form of plagiarism; Patty, as you know, is someone who doesn't give many explanations, and I wondered if I wasn't doing all this just to please her! From this it is clear that I am not a guy with very high self-esteem, however THINGS ARE BEGINNING TO HAPPEN. In my specific case I had to learn the exercise of PATIENCE and knowing how to WAIT. Several coincidences have manifested themselves and I am giving them much more importance than I did before: SIMPLY EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO HAPPEN HAPPENS. There's no need to worry, despair or curse and complain like I did in the past.
The goldfish disguised as a shark (among the things I posted previously) is becoming a reality! The wonder of the goldfish, notoriously MUTE, but swimming and taking possession of its tank, becoming a GIANT, is totally absorbing me. I can't find anything I didn't like about this journey. I believe I understood and assimilated it in the right way, having also found different material and ideas to further integrate it. In summary: Patty throws the stone into the aforementioned tank, the fish feels the movement of the vibrations produced by the stone and adjusts accordingly.
The only thing I can say, at the end of this long reflection is: INFINITE THANK YOU Patty!!!🙏 I'm defeating the concept of time...
P. S. ... You understand!!😆

- Tiny Daily Miracles Academy student

I recently had the wonderful privilege of working with Patty and I was instantly made to feel comfortable. Just her presence alone made me feel extremely calm and relaxed. She moved through the session exceptionally well and worked with me at my speed. She carefully listened to everything I had to say. Her dynamic and energetic approach left me feeling refreshed and re energised even after a very short period of time that we shared. I cannot recommend her enough. She is an exceptional example of a coach and I very much look forward to working with her again soon! Thank you Patty!

- Marc B., Coach

Spiral Stairs
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